How are people dating these days, with so many restrictions and mandatory masks in public places?
Well, pragmatists are going to say there's always online dating.
It's grown a lot since it has become available to anyone with a computer, big or small (read mobile)
Traditional social encounters, by accident or dictated by personal circumstances, are now mirrored by digital options.
Online dating sites even cater for different age groups, with seniors a notable contingent.
These sites also provide a vital clue in the selection process: photos without a mask.
I know, photos can be photoshopped and lying about age always a possibility. I expect though there's never a second date if the lie is too gross. Full-face images are still useful.
If the pandemics doesn't go away sooner and masks do become a fixture for much longer, online dating may well turn into a fashionable venue.
A digital promenade.
The place to be seen without a mask on, with nose, mouth, dimples and wrinkles exposed. Who's going to lose out and who's winning, I wonder.
We know who is winning! Dating is only the first step. We need more apps for the rest of the technological process! We are all in Mr Gates' lap. Lapping at his gates, expectantly. That's why we call it ... laptop! Ha, ha :) :)